Japan has been granting preferential tariff treatment under its GSP scheme to developing countries since 1971, and the current scheme will remain effective until 31st March, 2021. In total, 137 developing countries and 14 territories are beneficiaries of the current Japanese scheme.
To download the beneficiaries of Japan's GSP, click here.
Japan grants GSP treatment for selected agricultural, fishery and industrial products. LDCs are eligible for additional preferential treatment.
After the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration that mandated the Developed Countries to offer Duty Free Quota Free (DFQF) access to the LDCs, Japan expanded its special preferential treatment for the LDCs as the Japan DFQF.
Under the DFQF scheme, Japan provides duty free market access to the LDCs, including Bangladesh on 97.9% tariff lines. A total of 197 tariff lines are excluded from the benefit. These include rice, sugar, fishery products, and articles of leather.
To download the list of products for which duty-free, quota-free market access is granted to LDCs by Japan and the list of countries eligible, click here.
In order for the goods exported from a preference-receiving country to be eligible for the preferential tariff treatment, they must be recognized as originating in that country under the origin criteria of the Japanese GSP scheme, and transported to Japan in accordance with its rules for transportation.
To download the List of Conditions to Qualify as an Originating Good under Japanese GSP (Product Specific Rules), click here.
In order to relax its Rules of Origin criteria, Japan has introduced one stage transformation since 2011. This has enhanced the market access opportunity for the RMG and clothing exporters from Bangladesh.
For more details and updated information on Japan GSP/DFQF issues, visit www.mofa.go.jp